Saturday 28 November 2015

Weird Wedding

Now, over 60 hundred million people are living in this world. Uncountable cultures exist all over the world. The more community are, the more cultures are. Of course, culture of  wedding is not exception. Have you imagined your wedding? As you know, if you got married with a spouse who was born in foreign country, you might get a traditional wedding that is different from the one of  your country. Do you know German culture of wedding? In there, people who are invited to the wedding celemony break many plates, glasses, or whatever they can break. After that, the newlyweds clean up them. This custom shows teachings. When the newlyweds would face a severe probrem, they have to help each otheres together. This work makes their bonds more stronger just as cutting cake.


  1. I hadn't heard of this tradition before, but I think it sounds like a good idea! That way they can make sure the man helps, not just the woman.

    Now, over 6 billion people are living in this world.

    The more communities there are, the more cultures there are.

    1. I agree with you.

      Helping each other is important.
      I wanna try break many plates.

      I wanna eat wedding cake asap.

  2. hehe you and I topic is same kk

  3. that's good for the owners of the salon.

  4. Very funny :) but looks hard after breaking many stuff...
